I know that we could continue meeting without a church building, but there is so much that we could do with a place of their own.
If you would like to sponsor someone you know at Barneys, can I encourage you to do this - every cent counts. You can sponsor someone online and even leave a message of support.
Peter Fitzsimons mentioned our fundraising last Sunday in his article "Bitter whine a case of sour grapes, 12 September 2010, SMH - there was this excerpt:
On a mission
'MEMBER when that famous old church on Broadway – St Barnabas, burnt down four years ago? The one that used to always have the amusing exchanges on its noticeboard with the pub over the road?
"Jesus bowled over death" was met with "And Lillee bowled overarm."
"This church is only for sinners" received the reply, "This pub is only for drinkers."
"Money does not make you happy," was met with "I'd rather be rich and happy than poor and happy." And so on.
Well, they're finally starting to rebuild it. The church has been a part of the fabric of Sydney for more than 150 years. It was built by a rogue English evangelist in what he described as "the worst place in the colony" and it was later the church of Arthur Stace, otherwise known as "Mr Eternity". Anyhoo, on Saturday, as part of its fund-raising, the church is holding its inaugural Seven Churches Walk to raise money for the rebuilding. See www.barneys.org.au
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Team 1990s is the best team ever
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