Sunday, September 28, 2008

Ricky Baxter and Bridgnorth

After a delicious pub lunch, we continued from Kidderminster north towards Bridgnorth. This is a very quaint town that is on two levels. There is a tiny train that links both levels of the town - it was one of the first trains to be built and in operation in England. It is very close to Iron Bridge - the place where the Industrial Revolution started. My cousin and his wife have a B & B nearby, and we hope to visit them.

But back to Bridgnorth. Ricky was an Assistant Minister here for two years. Despite the town's mysterious layout, we had no trouble finding the church - we followed the spire and drove down a very narrow cobbled lane way to emerge into an amazing "Church Square". The church was in the centre, surrounded by grass and gardens and fringed with houses - and very narrow roads. One of the houses was clearly labeled with Richard Baxter's name - he had lived there during his two years there.

We had a wonderful time wandering around this square and into the church. We found a picture of Ricky in the church.

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